Hey all!

This is my first post here on blogger for Fred on Fantasy, my sort of take on miniature wargaming with a more precise focus on Kings of War and Frostgrave. I've been playing miniatures since I was about 13 when I found a paint set for the Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game by GW. And ever since then I have been hooked on painting, collecting, and battling through the hobby. I am often pretty here or there with my hobby as life for me is pretty packed between family and career. But I will try to post random thoughts or pictures of what I am working on or what is going on around the two major games I play or other miniature news.
In the next coming days (or day if I decide to go all out) I'll post a few things that I have worked on in the past, such as homebew rules for Frostgrave or a tournament
report from Crucible GT here in Orlando.
Till then, hope you all enjoy, and we will talk soon.
Best way to reach me is my twitter: @FredOnFantasy
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